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기다리는 회의

민경대 0 656
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2016     출판사 : 시공장
기다리는 회의

 Even as advances in science are helping to reduce the use of animals in biomedical and other research, some animal testing will still be necessary for the foreseeable future.  For more than 60 years, the National Academies’ Institute for Laboratory Animal Science (ILAR) has provided science-based information to guide the care and use of laboratory animals. In addition to being ethically sound, research shows a direct link between better care for laboratory animals and reliable, high-quality scientific results.

The ILAR Roundtable (Roundtable on Science and Welfare in Laboratory Animal Use) provides a forum in which to foster communication and problem solving among the many constituencies with strong interests in the use of laboratory animals in research and testing.  Roundtable members include representatives from the government, private corporations, professional societies, and academic institutions.  The Roundtable may convene scoping meetings, commission white papers, and host workshops or webinars to inform its dialogue and discussion.
제목 저자(시인)