대통령 19대 문재인 친구같은 대통령

홈 > 시 백과 > 시인의 시
시인의 시
* 특정 종교나 정치.사상, 이념에 치우친 작품과 다수 회원이 삭제를 요청하는 글은 양해없이 삭제되거나 개인게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
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* 모두를 위하여 한 번에 많은 작품을 연속해서 올리는 것은 지양하시길 부탁드립니다.
* 목록의 등록자 이름에 마우스를 놓고 클릭하시면 해당 등록자가 올린 작품을 한번에 조회할 수 있습니다. 
* 검색시에는 리스트 하단 <다음검색>버튼으로 나머지 검색 결과도 확인하시기 바랍니다.

대통령 19대 문재인 친구같은 대통령

민경대 0 894
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2017     출판사 : 시공장
대통령 19대



Draw over and dig
The loose ash soil
Hoe handles are short,
The sun's course long
Fingers deep in the earth search
Roots, pull them out; feel through;
Roots are strong.

아 대통령 연설때 살아 있으니 고맙다
 하루 세끼
밥  먹을 수 있으니

새봄이 와
꽃 볼 수 있으니
더욱 고맙다
마음 차분해
우주를  껴안고

나무밑에 서면

생명부서지는 소리
새들 울부짖는 소리.


새로운 탄생
빛의 축제
환의의 얼굴
모두 새로운 시대의 상징
오늘부터 임기가 시작되는 대통령
미래의 밝은 빛이 대한민국의 국석구석에
환한 빛을 던저준다
이제는 다시는 반복되지 않는 민주주의 꽃이
검은 연기속에서 무언극을 연출하지 않고
오직 희망의 언어만이 하늘로 날아가고
다시는 세월의 진홍곡이 바다에서 땅에서
하늘에서 진동하지도 노란 연기를 피지 않기를
이 아침에 기도해본다

문재인 대통령 그대 이재 한참 바쁘게 대통령에 취임할 때
나는 Edga Lee Masters 의 시 한줄을 읽고 있다.

Spoon River Anthology 에 실린 시들은 말한다
The Hill이란 시에서
의지가 약한자,주먹이 센자, 어랏공대,술주정뱅이,권투선수 그들이
지금 어디 있는가?
모두 모두 이동산에 잠들고잇다.
상냥한여자, 순박한 여자, 고함치던 여자, 뻐기던 여자,
행복하던 여자등 모두 어디 있는가?
All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
앤트러지 같은 여인도
가뵤어지 없고 이름 없는 나로부터
영원한 음악의 진동
"아무에게도 악의 없고 만인이 만인을 위힌 자비."
나로부터 만인이 만인을 위한 용서,

그리고 정의에 빛나는
한 국가의 자애로눈 얼굴.

나는 여기 잡초밑에 잠든 앤 렅틀지 입니다.
아 공화국이여 영원히 꽃피어라,'내 가슴의 이 흙에서,

"With malice toward none, with charity for all."

새 대통령 링컨의 제 2연설처럼

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations

우렁찬 함성이 대한민국 강산에 울러 퍼진다.

SEOUL, May 10 (Yonhap) -- The following is an unofficial translation of President Moon Jae-in's inaugural address made on May 10, 2017.

I am deeply grateful to all of you, the people, for your great choice. As the 19th President of the Republic of Korea, I take the first step today toward a new Republic of Korea. I sense a heavy responsibility endowed by the people. My heart is full of passion for building a country that we have never had. And my head is full of a blueprint to open a new world of unity and coexistence.

The new Republic of Korea that we are trying to build is a country which our predecessors consistently pursued despite a lot of frustrations and defeats. It is also a country in which our youth have wanted to achieve so much through sacrifices and dedication. In order to make that Republic of Korea, I declare before history and the people that I will fulfill my responsibilities and calling as the 19th President of the Republic of Korea with a fearful but humble heart. The greatness of the Republic of Korea is the greatness of the people. And in this presidential election, our people have made history again.

You chose a new president with even support from across the nation. From today, I will become a president of all people. Each person who did not support me will still be my people and I will serve them as such. I dare to promise: Today, May 10, 2017, will be recorded in history as the date of the beginning of genuine national integration. In recent tough times, the people asked whether this is a country. President Moon Jae-in will start anew from this very question. From today, I will be a president who makes this nation worthy of being called a nation. I will boldly break away from the erroneous practices of the old era. I will be among the first to change.

First of all, I will end the authoritarian culture of the presidency. As soon as preparations are done, I will come out of Cheong Wa Dae and begin the era of the Gwanghwamun presidency. I will hold head-to-head discussions with my staff. I will be a president who communicates with the people frequently. I will directly brief the press on major issues. On the way home, I will meet and converse with citizens in the markets. At times, I will hold large debates in Gwanghwamun Square.

I will disperse the president's imperial powers as much as possible. Law enforcement authorities will become fully independent from politics. I will establish systems to put all power organizations in check so that no such body can exercise infinite powers. I will work in a humble manner. I will be a president who shares his viewpoints with the people. I will solve the security crisis promptly. I will go anywhere for the peace of the Korean Peninsula. If necessary, I will fly straight to Washington. I will go to Beijing and Tokyo and under the right circumstances go to Pyongyang as well. I will do whatever I can to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. I will further strengthen the ROK-U.S. alliance. Meanwhile, I will negotiate earnestly with the U.S. and China to solve the THAAD problem. Strong security depends on robust defense capabilities. I will try hard to strengthen our independent defense power. I will also lay the foundation for the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. I will provide a turning point to lower tensions on the peninsula by firmly establishing a Northeast Asia peace regime.

I would like to express my gratitude and deep consolation to the other presidential candidates. There are no winners or losers in this election. We are companions to lead the new Republic of Korea together. Now we have to move forward hand in hand, leaving behind the moments of intense competition. We have undergone unprecedented political upheavals over the past several months. Politics was confused, but the people were great. In spite of the impeachment and arrest of an incumbent president, the people helped open a new era for the Republic of Korea.

Our people were not disheartened but rather turned it into an opportunity to open the new world we see today. I will also change the politics of division and conflict. The conflict between conservatives and liberals should end. I will talk directly with you. Opposition parties are my companions in the administration of state affairs. I will regularly talk and frequently meet with them.

I will appoint figures selected evenly from across the country. Ability and suitability will be the broad principles of my personnel appointments. Regardless of whether they supported me in the election, I will plead with all who are competent to work with me. We are facing tough economic conditions at home and abroad. The people's livelihoods are in a difficult state. As promised during the election process, I will prioritize job creation. At the same time, I will take the lead in chaebol reform. Under the Moon Jae-in government, the term "politics-business collusion" will disappear completely. I will resolve the conflicts between regions, classes and generations, and seek ways to resolve the problems facing irregular workers.

I will create a world without discrimination. I repeat. In the government of Moon Jae-in and the Democratic Party, opportunity will be equal. The process will be fair. The result will be righteous.

This presidential election was triggered by the impeachment of the preceding president. The history of troubled presidents continues to repeat itself. With this election, this unfortunate history must come to an end. I will become a role model president for the Republic of Korea. I will do my best to become a successful president in the eyes of the people and history. By doing so, I will repay your support and backing. I will be a clean president. I will be a president who takes office empty-handed and leaves the same way. I will be a president who will someday return to my hometown, become an ordinary citizen and share warmth with my neighbors. I will be remembered as the pride of the people.

I will be an honest president who keeps his promises. I will closely follow up on the promises I made during the election process. I believe true political development is possible only when the president sets an example for politics of trust. I will not make loud promises to do what is impossible. I will tell you when I have done something wrong. I will not cover up unfavorable public opinion with falsehood. I will be a fair president. I will create a world without privileges and fouls. I will create a world that benefits those who act with common sense. I will not turn away from the pain of my neighbors. I will always pay extra attention to ensure that not a single member of the nation is alienated.

I will be a president who wipes away the tears of the people. I will be a president who communicates. I will build the strongest nation by being a low and humble man of power. I will not become a dominant and reigning president but a president who converses and communicates with the people. I will be a president of the Gwanghwamun era and stay close to the people. I will be remembered as a warm president and a friend-like president.

The Republic of Korea makes a new start today on May 10, 2017. You are witnessing the start of a great history to make this nation worthy of a nation. Come along on this road. I will dedicate my body and life to serve you.


Ann Mayes Rutledge was laid to rest in the Old Concord Burial Ground; however, the body was exhumed and then buried in the Oakland Cemetery in Petersburg, Illinois, when an undertaker became financially interested in the cemetery in 1890.[6] At this time the cheap stone marker was replaced with a granite monument that included the lyrics of Edgar Lee Masters and reads:[7][8]

Out of me unworthy and unknown
 The vibrations of deathless music:
 "With malice toward none, with charity toward all."
 Out of me the forgiveness of millions toward millions,
 And the beneficent face of a nation
 Shining with justice and truth.
 I am Ann Rutledge who sleeps beneath these weeds,
 Beloved in life of Abraham Lincoln,
 Wedded to him, not through union,
 But through separation.
 Bloom forever, O Republic,
 From the dust of my bosom!


새로운 대통령이여
다시 그대 취임식의 얼굴을 생각하며
그대 승리를 승ㄹ로 아는가
Emily Dickinson의 Triumph 의 시를 생각해본다

승자도 패자도 없다는 취임식속에

승리에는 여러가지 종류가 있다.
태고 이래의 황제인 죽음을
신앙으로 극목했을 때에
방안에 승ㄹ가 잇다.

오랫동안 대결한 진리가
조용히 절대자를 향하여,
자기의 신, 그 일인자를 향ㅇ하여 나아갈 때에
아름다운 정신의 승리가 있다.

한눈은 버림받은 하늘을 보고
한 눈은 마음의 가책을  보며,
유혹자의 뇌물을 서서히
물리쳤을 때의 승리.

저 환히 드러난 ㅂ버정,

여호와의 면전에서
무죄 방면되는 자가 경험하는
한층 통렬한 승리.


Triumph may be of several kinds.
 There 's triumph in the room
 When that old imperator, Death,
 By faith is overcome.

There 's triumph of the finer mind
 When truth, affronted long,
 Advances calm to her supreme,
 Her God her only throng.

A triumph when temptation's bribe
 Is slowly handed back,
 One eye upon the heaven renounced
 And one upon the rack.

Severer triumph, by himself
 Experienced, who can pass
 Acquitted from that naked bar,
 Jehovah's countenance!

Gary Snyder

we sit here neaar the diggings
in the forest, by our fire, and watch
the moon and planets and the shooting stars--

my sons ask, who are we?


헨리데이비 소로 처럼 소박하게 살 문재인
Henry David Thoreau; July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state. -wiki

In 1845 at the age of 28 Thoreau traveled to Walden Pond, Massachusetts where he built a simple cabin and began writing the works that inspired Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and millions of people.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion."
— Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Thoreau built his cabin from recycled and hand cut materials for $28.12. It was 10 feet by 15 feet and he described the interior in his book "Walden" as having a fireplace, table, desk, and bed and 3 chairs.

“I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.”-Thoreau

I have read and admired Thoreau's simple cabin lifestyle and after much research I wanted to determine if that same cabin could be built from conventional materials for the same cost at today's inflation rate. In 1845 his $28.12 adjusted for 2014 inflation would be $852.12.


I have attempted to follow the dimensions of the Thoreau cabin however because conventional lumber is not sold in 15 foot lengths I have opted to make the cabin 10x16 which would eliminate waste from cutting off excess lumber and is keeping with the spirit Thoreau exemplified. I don't think he would mind.

The cabin can be built for under $1000 based on US prices for lumber at large home supply stores with a 10% builders discount. That price does not include windows, door, insulation or interior furnishings. In place of a brick fireplace I have recommended a recycled steel barrel stove and stove kit from Vogelzang that would be more efficient.


If  you would like to read more about Henry David Thoreau and his cabin and philosophy I highly recommend his book "Walden" which is in public domain and free here:



 NOTE: I originally stated the cabin was under $900 but after some checking I realized I had left out wall sheathing. 17 sheets at $10.97 is  $186.49 for a total of $1083.13 and with the standard 10% builders discount it would be $974.83. If you received one of the first ebooks please make the changes and I apologize for my math error!
제목 저자(시인)