문둥이 소나무

홈 > 시 백과 > 시인의 시
시인의 시
* 특정 종교나 정치.사상, 이념에 치우친 작품과 다수 회원이 삭제를 요청하는 글은 양해없이 삭제되거나 개인게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
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문둥이 소나무

민경대 0 4742
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2017     출판사 : 시공장
Artist note

What to do.What to do.

 I will have to do my best with all my heart. Time is going past 2 o'clock in the morning.The lighting of the workshop is the backing of a column supporting a roof, An unknown warrior. Leper pine. Air on G.Abandoned UN forces. Peace and rest. The souls buried on the basis of historical facts. The works which are made to announce the sacrificed victims are kept in the dark.
I am not a person who draws pictures well, but I am working on this work only when I am very impressed with all my heart and soul.

The materials used in the works are wood vinegar, burning, iron powder, ash, tar,  minerals, paints and everything else.
When you think about it, you write it. Most of the material is what you burned and left behind.
I use these materials because I know the characteristics of the materials based on my experience through my life.
The material that is buried in the canvas and the substances are compounded and swollen like bread, and the paint is mixed, and the changing color does not keep the eyes closed at the beginning and the end.
Flowers that bloom when I work I like things like iron plate Mixing and mixing materials and phenomena that do not stop and change over time keep my eyes on my paintings all over my body.
Picture Picture Picture
What is drawing pictures for me? Just as a matter of fact tears flow through tears.
During the period of 24 hours or 365 days, the painting will continue to change and the color of the natural light will unfold.

If you wait for a long period of time, your sacrifice will shine upon you.
The earth is peace and sanctuary

September 22, 2017
03:15 am
Gyeongbuk Station
Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art 2
Mi-Kyung Kim
제목 저자(시인)