언어는 생명보다 소중한 무기

홈 > 시 백과 > 시인의 시
시인의 시
* 종교, 정치. 이념에 치우친 작품은 게재를 삼가주십시오.
* 저자난에는 이름만 사용합니다. (아호,별명 사용금지)
* 맞춤법과 오탈자에 주의하여 주십시오,

언어는 생명보다 소중한 무기

민경대 0 1036
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2018     출판사 : 시공장
언어는 생명보다 소중한 무기


아 내가 살아가는 동안
항상 버리지 못한 무기는
몸에 지니고 다니는 언어다
매일 손질을 하고 윤택을 내고
조탁하여야 할 것은
언어의 무기다
한국산 무기는 한국어이다.
한국산만으로는 충족
될수 없는 언어가
영어다 미국산 영국산 무기를
오늘도 보며
하루에 새로운언어로 몸을
단장하고 혀끝을 통해 발산하니
언의 향기는 참으로 소중하다.


격품이 있는 언어를 사용하거나
바람이 부는 날 아침에
커피 한 잔을 마시며 인생을 되질 할 때
언어가 가장 먼저 옷을 입고 신을 신고
외출 나간다
이번 크루즈를 타면서 외국산 victory canival
에서 고상한 언어가
춤을 추다가 바다에 빠졌다.
You’ll find a vacation fit for a champion aboard Carnival Victory.
Declare victory against the ordinary as you sit back and take in what this incredible cruise ship has to offer: amazing performances in the two show lounges, quiet time at Serenity Adult-Only Retreat… plus delicious vacation flavor that’s worth getting a little loud about. Casual dining cousins — distant ones, sure — BlueIguana Cantina and Guy’s Burger Joint each deliver the goods: handmade tacos and burritos at one, and signature Guy Fieri burgers at the other. RedFrog Rum Bar and BlueIguana Tequila Bar each deliver on sun, fun and cool cocktails… each in their own unique way.

While a magician may keep an audience wondering how they did it, Alchemy Bar lets you get right up close as our cocktail-crafters work their magic… with absolutely nothing up their sleeves. Savor your time in sushi nirvana with a favorite from Bonsai Sushi Express, and enjoy it wherever on the ship’s your favorite spot. At Cherry On Top, our candy-and-more store, kids of all ages won’t believe their eyes. And SkyBox Sports Bar combines high-above-it-all comfort with the sort of view you’d get right on the 50-yard line, whether you’re catching a live game on the big screen or getting into a game yourself, controller in hand.

Don’t miss the winning atmosphere of the South China Sea Casino — try your hand at poker, blackjack, roulette, or craps. Little winners will love Virtual Sea Arcade and play-time opportunities at one of three youth-only spaces: Camp Ocean, Circle C and Club O2. And for an open-air experience that brings out the champion in everyone, there’s miniature golf, ping pong, a jogging track and more.

When you’re cruising Carnival Victory, one thing is for sure: you’re winning.


영어선생 50년만에 가장 좋은
영어암기법을 연구하니
아침 해가 떴다
인간이 살아가면서 사실은
몇마디 단어만 가지고
살아도 산속에서
자연인으로 살어도 족하다
현대인은 복잡한 멘하탄 빌딩숲은 지나서
카프란 공부방을 보고
선쿠르즈로 바하마 나라도 보고
가만히 생가해보니
우리의 언어는 고도의 상상력속에
더 깊은 바다를 건너야 된다

나만의 기발한 단어 암기밥을 만들어 보니
지식탐구의 맛이 경복궁에서 맛있다고 먹은
생일날 그 거룩한 생일날
생일 케이크도 누구하나
생일 축 한다는 말도 없이

아들은 쏜살 같이 관악산을 가고
이 폭탄 같은 잠재언어가 Victory 쿠르즈 선상에서
폭발하여 물속에 잠겼지만
나의 표현 못할 단어들은 한국어가 아닌 영어다
영어는 우리의 나의 사상을 더욱 깊게만든다

GRE 언어 Verbal Diagnostic Test 첫번 문제를 풀다가
고도의 단어 기억법을 만들어 특허처럼 등록하고
그것도 시사랑 보드에다 등록하니
하루에도 몇번씩 클릭을 하니
나의 사상의 깊이가 더욱 깊어진다
영시를 쓰면서 영어 책을 내면서
나는 하루가 이 나이에도 할 일이 있어
분주한 교대역에서 법원 건물을 보며
법과 문학이 존재하여
양모같은 대법원장도 김모같은  대법원장도
우리 모두  깊은 사고의 폭에서
영어의 단어로 좀더 깊은
사색의 뜰을 걸어가야만한다.
문제제작방법 특허이다.
삶의 윤기는 언어가 숨쉬는 것이다.
바람도 언어를
피하며 푸른 공기 푸른 숲속에서
언어가 한바탕 숨죽이며 강을 건너다


Vocabulary Remember forever:VRF Method by KyungdaeMin TGM@ 
https://www.dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com/browse/munificent
adjective 1.extremely  liberal  in giving;  very  generous.
2.characterized  by great  generosity: a munificent  bequest.
Related Words for munificent beneficent, benevolent, big, big-hearted, bountiful, charitable, free, handsome, kind, lavish, liberal, loose, magnanimous, openhanded, philanthropic, rich, unsparing, bounteous, unstinting https://www.dictionary.com/browse/indignant
adjective 1.feeling,  characterized  by, or expressing  strong  displeasure  at something  considered  unjust,  offensive,  insulting,  or base: 
indignant  remarks;  an indignant  expression  on his  face.
Transcript No rest for the weary? Ha! It should be no rest for the wanderlust because it’s exhausting preparing for a trip. The Swedes may call it resfeber but here in the US we call it jitters. How about the airport security lines … with kids? Or, trying to eat a healthy lunch at the nearest food court? By the time we’re volant we’re ready for the stress of traveling to be over. Landing isn’t much better—now we get to find our baggage in a new city!
But, when that numinous feeling finally hits us as we arrive at our nirvana … we remember why we put up with all the travel. Ahh, six days of peace before we do it all over again
Verbal DiagnosticTest 20 Question Time:30 Minutes For each ofQuestions1 to 6, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding column ofchoices.
 Fill in the blank in the way that best completes the text. 1. In interviews, despots are often surprisingly______________;this helps to explain how seemingly awful people are able to command so many followers.
malign    indignant  forgiving  personable  munificent
1            2              3              4              5
1. personable
The blank "help to explain how seemingly awful people are able to command so many followers," so it needs to be a positive word. While  both "forgiving" and "munificent," which means generous, are positive, both add meaning that isn't suggested by the given sentence. "Personable," meaning pleasant in appearance an manner, first best. "Malign"(evil) and "indignant"(annoyed or angry) are both negative.
제작시간 1시간 오전 6-7,2018,10.31
vocabulary  10 1.despots  2.awful :https://www.dictionary.com/browse/awful
1.extremely  bad;  unpleasant;  ugly: awful  paintings;  an awful  job.
2.inspiring  fear;  dreadful;  terrible:  an awful  noise.3.solemnly  impressive;  inspiring  awe: 
the  awful  majesty  of alpine  peaks 3.malign :https://www.dictionary.com/browse/malign
verb (used with object) 1.to speak  harmful  untruths  about;  speak  evil  of; slander;  defame:  to malign  an honorable  man.adjective  2.evil  in effect;  pernicious;  baleful;  injurious:  The  gloomy  house  had  a malign  influence  upon  her  usually  good  mood.
3.having  or showing  an evil  disposition;  malevolent;  malicious
Origin of malign 1275–1325; Middle  English  maligne  <  Middle  French  <  Latin  malignus.  See  mal-, benign Related forms ma·lign·er , noun ma·lign·ly , adverb
un·ma·ligned , adjective Synonyms for malign  See more synonyms for  on Thesaurus.com
1. libel, calumniate; disparage; revile, abuse, vilify. 2. baneful.Antonyms for malign
1. praise. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, &copy; Random House, Inc. 2018  Related Words for malign
sully, revile, tarnish, smear, taint, denigrate, insult, disparage, misrepresent, vilify, besmirch, defile, harm, accuse, pollute, soil, asperse, vituperate, rap, curse
Examples from the Web for malign Contemporary Examples of malign
Timor  is overjoyed  at the  malign  trouble  he and  his  friends  have  caused.
The Daily Beast logo The ‘Hunted’ Gays of Putin’s Russia: Vicious Vigilantes and State Bigotry Close Up Tim Teeman October 6, 2014 For  people  prone  to believe  doctors  like  me are  part  of some  malign  conspiracy,  nothing  I say  will  make  a difference.
The Daily Beast logo Vaccines Are Poison, Cellphones Cause Cancer, and Other Medical Conspiracies Russell Saunders  July 18, 2014 She  leaves,  scared  of what  she  is capable  of doing,  her  malign  mentor  cackling. The Daily Beast logo ‘Game of Thrones’ Withdrawal? Watch Nickelodeon’s Fantasy Epic ‘The Legend of Korra’ David Levesley July 1, 2014
If the  answer  is yes,  there  is every  chance  that  the  news  will  throw  a malign  shadow  over  the  tournament  in Brazil. The Daily Beast logo Let's Take Away the 2018 World Cup from Putin's Russia Tunku Varadarajan June 10, 2014 After  a few  years  in which  Washington  has  exerted  a malign  force  on demand,  it is showing  signs  of becoming  a neutral  force. The Daily Beast logo With the Ryan-Murray Deal, Washington Stops Hurting the Economy Daniel Gross December 11, 2013 Historical Examples of malign
The  most  malign  of all  these  dangers  today  is disregard  and  disobedience  of law.
United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches Various The  dread  was  like  a malign  invisible  presence,  never  leaving  me. The Conquest of Fear Basil King
She  could  never  have  dreamed  that  she  had  this  malign  power,  but  she  was  now  at least  to suspect  it. Ruggles of Red Gap Harry Leon Wilson
We have  crushed  the  Rebellion,  but  not  its  hopes  or its  malign  purposes.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue Various
No matter  how  much  others  may  malign  you,  I am still  your  friend.
Grace Harlowe's Problem Jessie Graham Flower British Dictionary definitions for malign
malign adjective 1.evil  in influence,  intention,  or effect verb 2.(tr) to slander  or defame
Derived Forms maligner , noun malignly , adverb Word Origin for malign C14:  via  Old  French  from  Latin  mal&#299;gnus  spiteful,  from  malus  evil Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition &copy; William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 &copy; HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Word Origin and History for malign adj.early  14c., from  Old  French  maligne  "having  an evil  nature,"  from  Latin  malignus  "wicked,  bad-natured,"  from  male  "badly"  (see  mal-) + -gnus  "born,"  from  gignere  "to bear,  beget,"  from  PIE  root  *gn-  "to bear"  (see  genus). "to slander,"  mid-15c.,  from  earlier  more  literal  sense  of "to plot,  to contrive"  (early  15c.), from  Old  French  malignier  "to plot,  deceive,  pervert,"  from  Late  Latin  malignare  "to do maliciously,"  from  malignus  (see  malign (adj.)).  Related:  Maligned ; maligning .Online Etymology Dictionary, &copy; 2010 Douglas Harper
4.indignant 5.forgiving 6.personable 7.munificent 8.seemingly 9.command 10.follower
외국인용 /한국인용
Contemporary Examples of despot This  is the  sort  of delusion  that  sets  in when  a despot  confuses  himself  with  the  state  after  too  long  in power.
The Daily Beast logo Putin’s Sochi and Hitler’s Berlin: The Love Affair Between Dictators and the Olympic Games. Garry Kasparov February 7, 2014 https://www.dictionary.com/e/
https://www.dictionary.com/e/video/read-receipts/ Transcript
Read receipt (real definition) = tells someone the recipient of a text message has opened the message and has viewed it, typically by showing the word “read” under the message.
Read receipt (emo definition) = scary, anxiety-inducing caption to your message, typically because it showed you the word “read” with a timestamp under your message … and the recipient hasn’t responded. Read receipt (new definition) = not that bad. What’s really so scary about the little word read? It’s a simple word with a simple meaning.
read means good to go read means open read means honest read doesn’t mean ghosting
read doesn’t mean ignoring Read is simple … and what’s wrong with that?
Did you know there was a difference between the words mistrust and distrust? Yea, we didn't either. Watch Emmy explain ...Show Transcript Confessions of an Insecure Dictionary
Transcript Did you know there was a difference between the words mistrust and distrust? Yea … we didn’t either. Watch Emmy explain:Hey there! My name is Emmy, and I’m here to talk about the fact that distrust and mistrust are two different words with two different meanings. I can definitely confirm that most of my life I thought they pretty much meant the same thing. Au contraire. Distrust is the complete lack of trust that tends to be based on an experience. In my case, um… one time I ate chocolate cake, and it gave me the worst stomachache of my life, and because of that I distrust the chocolate cake that is sitting the break room for Karen’s birthday. Sorry, Karen.
Mistrust is a complete lack of trust that tends to not be based on experience but more of instinct or gut feeling. I was looking at houses around the area, and I checked out this one house, and I got that gut feeling. Every part of my body was screaming at me that I mistrusted that house, and I needed to get out. So, instead of becoming a main character in a scary movie, I left because I mistrusted that house. Menu  Dictionary.com  Thesaurus.com
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When we’re young, we desperately want to be grown up. Then once we realize we’re old, we start to spend too much time thinking about ways to turn back the clock. Why can’t we just be satisfied with where we are? Maybe it’s because:
When we’re kids life is full of surprises and discombobulation.
The teens; they’re gawky and hormonal. Wow, those years are vehement.
The 20s are transitional; life is full of bills, rent, maybe watering a plant … that’s adulting. Welcome to the real world.
The 30s. Mortgages, jobs, kids? Scary. But, our routines have curbed our anxiety or maybe we’re too exhausted to care! Either way, it’s quotidian.
At 40, we can cast aside any self-doubt. We’re awesome and we know it now. That’s why the 40s are idiosyncratic.
At 50 we buy new convertibles to feel young again. Just kidding; that’s a stereotype. The 50s are pretty laid back; the house is ours again. Kudos!
In our 60s, we’re done paying our dues; retirement is in sight. It’s a time of revivification.
The 70s are fun because grandchildren! And bridge? And chair yoga? It’s a thing. Life is innocent again; it’s unaffected.
In our 80s, 90s, 100s, we’ve seen it all. Except all the new memes, apps, and technology. We’re befuddled yet prodigious; and we have lots of stories to tell, so listen up.
Confessions of an Insecure Dictionary
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Try Not To Laugh At This Similar Sounding Slip-up
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
How Do You Pronounce Facade?
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
We Asked These People What Words They Always Say Wrong …
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Women: Stop Saying These Words
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Attention, Word Offenders: Avoid These Words
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Words Bookworms Mispronounce Because We Read Them First
Dictionary 101
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
The Loaded History Of “Shitfaced”
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Two Nerdy Steps To Take To Improve Your Vocabulary
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
What’s So Wrong With “Nice”?
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
This Is Why You Should Not Judge A Word By How It Sounds
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Words That Are Their Own Opposites
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
It Matters Which Way Your Gun Emoji Faces
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Do You Know The Real Names Of These Doohickeys?
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
What’s The Difference Between Mistrust And Distrust?
The Dictionary Comes To Life
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
The Words You Need For Every Decade Of Your Life
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
How This Horror Movie Term Became A Real Life Metaphor
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
How This School Principal Uses Words To Make Change Happen
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
A Spanish Couple Explains How Tapas Are Different In Spain
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Harry Potter Redefines Identity
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
These Kids Know More About Idioms Than You Do
Why Is The Word “Read” In Read Receipts So Terrifying?
Words Matter: When A Wife Becomes A Widow
Start your day with weird words, fun quizzes, and language stories.
&copy; 2018 Dictionary.com, LLC.
Now Playing: The Words You Need For Every Decade Of Your Life

오늘은 시의 날 11월 1일에
과연 무슨 언어무기로
어디를 향해 언어의 무기를 쓸까
그 무게가 타인의 가슴에 가서
씨았이 되고 사랑의 무기가 되고  푸른 움이 살아나서
아름다운 꽃으로 피고
하늘에 무지개를 바라볼 때
내가 가슴이 뛴다
고가거도 현재도 미래도 가슴에 뛰지 않으면
차라리 죽음을 달라고 했던
영국낭만주의 워즈워즈의 영어 단어속에
동력의 큰 에너지가 포도 위 가을 날 서울에 뿌려진
은행잎속에 언어가 얼굴로 박하며
언어의 쪼기를 웃위애 덮어 입으며 청소부  손에 의해서
은행잎 하수구 속으로 들어가 버려진다
가을에 들판에 널브러진 짚단이 되어 서로 가을에 논밭에 누워
성상의 추운 날을 준비한다.


내가 버린 혹은 남긴 언어라는 무기가
별이되거나 휴지통이 되거나 조화가 되거나
Victory Carnival에서 바라 본 별은 꽃이 되어
나의 법정에서 말하는 원위 있는 여판사의 언어가
이제는 거룩한 추한 ㅂ버정언어들도 모두 나의 무기이고
무기를  가지고 강릉에서 올 친구의 몸에도
구리내나는 언어들이 마법의 통속에서 구렁이가 되어
나오거나 그것은 밤하늘 어둠속에서
오늘도 나의 언어는 고희연에 북핵을 만들련지
고은시들도 무기가 되어 한국하늘에 숨죽이며
다시 한번 크루즈에서 보랜 3일이
한국서울에 와서 생각해보니 즐거운 시간
나를 기다리고 있는 서울 중앙ㅂ버원에서
누구도 없는 서울 하늘 스튜디오에서
행복 할 줄 모르는 인간이 언어 무기속에 갇혀
나를 바라본다 나의 심중에는 어디에 가도
내 속에는 무기를 손질하며 심중하게
전화를 걸어라 글을 써라
Gary Snyder 시속에 도끼 AXE 를 보라
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