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시인의 시
* 특정 종교나 정치.사상, 이념에 치우친 작품과 다수 회원이 삭제를 요청하는 글은 양해없이 삭제되거나 개인게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
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민경대 0 424
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2018     출판사 : 시공장

철헉교수님의 강의는 한편의 서사시이다
삶의 꼭대기까지 올라가 산에  올라서서
세상을  두루 다 보는 시인보다 더 큰 시인
이 밤에 일어나 그의 강의를 듣는다
아주 더 오래 살아 계시면 더 가치있는 골동품같은 사람
이상과도 동시대인 사람 인간 냄새가 아직도 나는 사람
이 밤에 그의 강의를 듣는다
김형석교수님은 하나의 서사시
어제 어떤 목사님한테 가혹한 나의 언동 또한 그의 언동
우리는 어리석은 시간을 보듬고도척면에서
부끄러운 행동을 하고
그래도 서로 전화를 하면서 연민의 고통속에 하루를 잠재운다
그의 구수한 인생이야기가 밤을 수 놓는다
2018년 11월의 강의가 여기 교대역에서 수국꽃으로 핀다.
안졍욱 김태길 친구를 늘 들먹이면 아직도 살아계신 우리들 동시대인
교수님 강의를 올해 많이 듣고 인생의 지혜를 주시고 아직도 진지한 삶을 강의하시는 분 나는 이제 67세의 나이에 철이 들고 싶다. 미국의 철학교수 Death 강의 같은 삶의 지혜를 전달해 주신 교수님 만수무강하시오.
90세 이상 광장

Does life begin at EIGHTY? A new study claims your 80s can be the happiest years of your life. Wishful thinking? Not at all, say two of Britain's sparkiest octogenarians.

At 82, I am far happier than I was in my 60s. I was frightened then of old age. Now it’s here, I’m happy with it.

We octogenarians have had time to grow accustomed to our mortality, find we are proud to have survived so long and are not ashamed of being old.

I’ve even started adding on a year or two when asked how old I am, in order to have the pleasure of hearing others say: ‘But you look so young for your age!’

In just the same way, I recall, as when I was in my 40s I’d take a year or two off in the hope of hearing: ‘But you can’t be as old as that!’

There is a great relief in being ‘past it’, entitled to sit on the sidelines while young things deal with issues such as avoiding World War III and over- population of the planet.

In your ninth decade you finally realise there’s so little one could do about it anyway.

When you’re in your 80s there are small triumphs, like getting the heels of your elastic stockings in the right place when you put them on. (Never choose flesh colour, always black. Much more attractive.)

There are also major ones, like learning that loving people is more important than craving being loved, which plagues one so in youth.

And we are largely free from anxiety. Of course, once you have children — I’ve got four sons — you can never be totally free of worry for them: but largely by our  80s we’ve stopped fretting, and thus  worrying them with our worry.

I called my eldest son on the phone this week to wish him a happy birthday. ‘Sixty!’ I sympathised, ‘isn’t that rather alarming?’ ‘Alarming for me perhaps, Mum,’ he said. ‘But even more for you, surely?’

Shamefaced, I remembered a time when I’d been less at ease with the ageing process. Once, 42 years ago, I lied to a journalist that I’d had my first child as a teenager: having a son of 20 had seemed so dreadfully ageing.

The embarrassments of the past never die, but at least they fade — another advantage.

I fear it may well be more alarming for the average man to reach his 60s than for the average woman to get to 80.

It will take him a good 20 years to get used to the fact he’s not young any more, before he stops hankering after a red sports car and a beautiful blonde and is content to settle for a Volvo.

Eventually, he’ll find himself happy with the fact that he can afford one.

He’ll look back on his life and be aware of what he has achieved, rather than living as a younger man does, forever trying to ward off the knowledge of a failed ambition: ‘I never became a rock star . . . I never got to run the company.’

For his female counterpart the awareness of age will have started much earlier than 60: when she went to a party in her 40s, perhaps, and realised for the first time how the gaze of young men passed straight over her — how as an object of sexual desire she had become all but invisible.


Is it really worth it to live to over 80 years?


제목 저자(시인)