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시인의 시
* 특정 종교나 정치.사상, 이념에 치우친 작품과 다수 회원이 삭제를 요청하는 글은 양해없이 삭제되거나 개인게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
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민경대 0 508
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2019     출판사 : TGMFINTECH

이 시대는 참으로 많은 이내들이 필요하다
거기에는 많은 노력이 필요하가
참으로 고귀한 인재들이 필요하다


 Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD) is often treatable and many people live a long life after diagnosis. Here are the most common EMPD symptoms:


 As you’ll notice, many of the EMPD symptoms can point to other ailments and not necessarily EMPD. With that said it is important to work with a doctor if you think you may have EMPD. EMPD is typically slow growing but not always. Left unchecked, EMPD cells are capable of progressing to invasive carcinoma and metastasizing internally. Biopsies are the traditional way to determine whether a person has EMPD and its extent.

 My EMPD was diagnosed five years ago and I have been cancer-free for over 2 years.

 I am not a doctor. However, as an EMPD patient and founder of the first international EMPD support group for women and men, I have been given a unique window into this very rare cancer. To date, I've communicated with over 230 EMPD patients, ranging in age from 29 to 96, all around the world. Members of the myEMPD support group have been included in two medical studies. One of those EMPD reports is attached.

 Men who think they might have EMPD, often visit a dermatologist or urologist, although this can vary widely between countries. Women often seek a dermatologist or gynecologist. Often a doctor will try various treatments for more common aliments first and then move to a biopsy if other treatments don’t work. 

 To get a better idea of the demographics of the those who contact me, would you mind sharing the region/country where you live and your age?  Please let me know if you are diagnosed with EMPD or if you have other questions.

 Best regards,

 Steve Schroeder
 Spokane, WA (USA)

 Email: myempd@gmail.com
 Website: www.myEMPD.com


 > On Feb 1, 2019, at 11:09 AM,
 > Name: Kyungdae Min
 > Email Address: kyungdaemin002@gmail.com
 > Subject: Diagnostic
 > Message: The last time a doctor consulted me was called EMPD, not just a skin disease. After that day, I was afraid to go to a general hospital and get diagnosed. So I postpone it for almost a month, go to a Catholic hospital yesterday and do a biopsy and see the result in nine days. Now, as a major criminal who has been ruled, I come back after nine days. It is a terrible disease that I can not tell anyone. I wake up this morning and I do not want to wake up in this world knowing yesterday is true. But in front of this
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