국제 EMPD학회 창립협의회

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국제 EMPD학회 창립협의회

민경대 0 405
저자 : 민경대     시집명 : 347-1
출판(발표)연도 : 2019     출판사 : 시공장
국제 EMPD창립 협의회

국제 EMPD모임은 필요하다.
같은 경험을 하고 같은 운명의 어두운 골목속에서 나온 사람들이
올바른 교육을 하여 더 이상 이러하 사소하다고 여긴
질병에서 환한 웃음으로 나오게 해준
정기양 세브란스 팀과 같은 사람들이
미국에서 영국에서 각 세계에서
유명한 의사와 환자가 서로 교류하여
세계는 하나의 울타리에서
누구 누구의 얼굴을 알고 회원이  일단 3650명으로 정하여
하루에 10사람난 늘어 나도 곧 3650명이 된다.
회원은 회비는 매년 만원만 내면 된다.




10시간 피아노 음악



Extramammary Paget’s Disease (EMPD), is a rare and slow-growing malignancy which occurs within the epithelium and accounts for 6.5% of all Paget’s disease. The clinical presentation of this disease is similar to the characteristics of Mammary Paget’s disease (MPD).However, unlike MPD, which occurs in large lactiferous ducts and then extends into the epidermis,EMPD originates in glandular regions rich in apocrine secretions outside the mammary glands.EMPD incidence is increasing by 3.2% every year, affecting hormonally-targeted tissues such as the vulva and scrotum. In women, 81.3% of EMPD cases are related to the vulva, while for men, 43.2% of the manifestations present at the scrotum.

The disease can be classified as being either primary or secondary depending on the presence or absence of associated malignancies.EMPD presents with typical symptoms such as scaly, erythematous, eczematous lesions accompanied by itchiness.In addition to this, 10% of patients are often asymptomatic. As a consequence, EMPD has high rates of misdiagnoses and delayed diagnoses. There are a variety of treatment options available, but most are unsuccessful. If caught early and treated, prognosis is generally good.

Due to the rarity of EMPD and lack of clinical knowledge, the disease is not very commonly diagnosed.Patients are often misdiagnosed with eczema or dermatitis and a delay of 2 years is expected  from the onset of symptoms before a definitive diagnosis has been reached.

It is important to include that the lesion is associated with another cancer. A biopsy will establish the diagnosis. Punch biopsies are not effective in differentially diagnosing for EMPD and as a result, excisional biopsies of the affected area are taken [XX]. A positive test result for EMPD shows increased numbers of large polygonal cells with a pale bluish cytoplasm, large nucleus and nucleolus, infiltrating the epidermal layer. These neoplastic cells can be found singly scattered or can appear in groups called nests.

Paget cells contain mucin and cytokeratins which can be used in the diagnosis of EMPD [8] MUC5A2 is found in EMPD of the vulvar and male genitalia regions whereas MUC2 is expressed in perianal EMPD. Loss of MUC5A2 can indicate an invasive spread.Immunohistochemistry (IHC) can be used to determine whether EMPD is either primary or secondary.Primary EMPD tests positive for CK7 but negative for CK20, whereas secondary is positive for both. Lack of positivity for hormone receptors and HER2 protein is overexpressed meaning that the cells are dividing rapidly and can be indicate an aggressive and more recurrent disease.
제목 저자(시인)