목계장터 - 신경림

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시인의 시
* 특정 종교나 정치.사상, 이념에 치우친 작품과 다수 회원이 삭제를 요청하는 글은 양해없이 삭제되거나 개인게시판으로 옮겨집니다.
* 저자난에는 이름만 사용해야 하며, 별명이나 아호 등을 사용해 등록자 이름과 저자(시인)의 이름이 달라지면 검색이 되지 않습니다.
* 모두를 위하여 한 번에 많은 작품을 연속해서 올리는 것은 지양하시길 부탁드립니다.
* 목록의 등록자 이름에 마우스를 놓고 클릭하시면 해당 등록자가 올린 작품을 한번에 조회할 수 있습니다. 
* 검색시에는 리스트 하단 <다음검색>버튼으로 나머지 검색 결과도 확인하시기 바랍니다.

목계장터 - 신경림

저자 : 신경림     시집명 : 농무(農舞)
출판(발표)연도 : 1973     출판사 : 창작과비평사
하늘은 날더러 구름이 되라 하고
땅은 날더러 바람이 되라 하네.
청룡(靑龍) 흑룡(黑龍) 흩어져 비 개인 나루
잡초나 일깨우는 잔바람이 되라네.
뱃길이라 서울 사흘 목계 나루에
아흐레 나흘 찾아 박가분 파는
가을볕도 서러운 방물 장수 되라네.
산은 날더러 들꽃이 되라 하고
강은 날더러 잔돌이 되라 하네.
산서리 맵차거든 풀 속에 얼굴 묻고
물여울 모질거든 바위 뒤에 붙으라네.
민물 새우 끓어 넘는 토방 툇마루
석삼년에 한 이레쯤 천치(天痴)로 변해
짐부리고 앉아 있는 떠돌이가 되라네.
하늘은 날더러 바람이 되라 하고
산은 날더러 잔돌이 되라 하네.
k-solovyeva 2011.03.14 23:25  
힌嶢?調灑膣  ?荏 午齧? 魏?禎溢販 쭌?壯煜?調灑膣 쭌袍?靭破? 
給愉寀妖莘述?禎倧贍 調灑診奄 壯 尊葺僥仲佃 終檣?佺乙勖-釣愉寀靭粧??2000 莘菴 ?瞬奄? 泣鴨尊?汁抑?釣憎猝荻, 穽抑乙侁撓 禎尿?調灑執 ?渟猝佺贍? 
淃倧贍 櫛鴨阻嶢 翟鋪存策 蓀奧 釣澳靭 楫業歪泣增荻 ?循魏章僚 橓涯陷?惟逸陝僥. 厥抑乙侁奄 櫛尿魏鎭???調灑桎菴鎭??墮薏???妖切鏃惺姚牆紅 埰懿? 禎尿?循魏章僥, 禎尿?釣澳靭, 禎溢缸 ?櫛增設音杖?釣澳靭, 釣惟靭庄惺僚 秧 調灑桎菴鎭音?禎 調灑鎭 ?蓀吾?釣澳靭, 調葺魂魏 循魏章僥 ?日謫赤 崖昌赤. ?調醴言?パ傳嫂嚴軫先 櫛尿魏鎭泣 溢身?禎懿婆潗 穽塼嚴茁佺贍茴策 釣惟靭庄惺療 禎 禎脣涯 竣迪?釣澳靭 ?櫛橓執, 魏?逡言城?釣澳靭 灑音?戱輒攸外裝麟. 
淃尿?調灑執 ?禎尿?釣澳靭 楫業歪泣增荻 溢悅?前蔡嚴軫?潗 禎 墮依壬 ?涯 檉調靭疾荻, 剪訟調 懿坂猥 釣澳靭 ?循魏章僚. 昆?禎倧贍 ?憙?調灑診 秧 溢依液?楫業歪泣增荻 ?穽塼嚴茁佺贍荻 ?全泓佃, 調灑診 ?輕仲橓 ?釣燼佺性, 調灑診 ?愉蒼裝?靭輦艙燮賊裝?惟逸陝???張灑蟻鋪?典侁杖裔打? 給澳靭 壯 禎倧贍?溢身?調傲余城?魏?櫛尿魏鎭泣, 裔妖鎭釣櫛循牆酷 ?調灑鎭 ?禎增?牆迹 裔?桎增淆, 診??鎭, 攸?樂奄 荀諺孼腸?調灑膣 堯?調灑膣 禎 櫛筍嚴震鎭蟻增詢. 
톤抑張純??蓀奧 菴牆紅 焌煜?哀蓀瞬奄? 灑音?80 000 釣澳靭 楫業歪泣增荻 ?灑音?10 000 循魏章僥. 즈音?4 500 000 特依橓?槍?調傲嚴震泣 釣澳靭 壯 壯袍?禎倧贍? 즈音?310 000 惟逸陝僥-調灑桎菴鎭音? 穽前茵疾外? 釣澳靭 魏庄巍城荻, 禎闇寮筬??壯袍?禎溢缸?腸悅紅 楫業歪泣增荻. 
及灑診 ?憙?張剪衒佾諺? 妬增?鍊午? 荏 剪菴몄 彦 日謫?荀諺孼? 淸預特仲撓 ?涯袍純紅 茁? ?夭孼狀 禎憙佃?調灑診 哀飮壯 哀增設?潗 昶荻鏑劃軫猥. 及傲余纖鎭 釣澳靭 堯?循魏章僚 壯 壯袍?禎倧贍? 
昆?焌煜 禎 疾昶塡增尊栯軫??憙?靭增? 宸?剪泣杷? 調灑診 ?懿坂猥 楫業歪泣增?壯軸??崖昌 崖昌? 
<a href=http://vvrvvr.ru><img>http://agrodom.at.ua/images/rabota_per.gif</img></a>         
<a href=http://mobrorzj.co.cc/rabota-v-ostankino/rabota-posle-vuza.php>調灑診 禎衆?詢裔</a>
<a href=http://tixxsuwl.co.cc/7/82.php>調灑診 ?惟倚星億?/a>
<a href=http://hrjjyeoz.co.cc/7/>循魏章? ?溢仲橓 荻?/a>
<a href=http://vgisiydi.co.cc/1/rabota-v-polyuse.php>調灑診 ?禎誼遵</a>
<a href=http://cqryatco.co.cc/operator-stankov-s-chpu/>全儼城典 增陝惟??派?/a>
<a href=http://jfbtmzxh.co.cc/map10.html>循魏章僚 ?竣翟賊裝?/a>
<a href=http://gmblmwez.co.cc/stazhirovka-vipusknikov/71.php>釣澳靭 禎溢蛤凹 修鰍贍鎭調</a>
<a href=http://dfiwbwtl.co.cc/4/36.php>禎尿?調灑執 ?尊衆設音</a>
<a href=http://ppkgyjua.co.cc/1/rabota-turagentom.php>調灑診 膣調愼粧佃</a>
<a href=http://ohibbmor.co.cc/map13.html>疾齬暢秩 渟釣脣靄凹 ?孺診栯惟莘</a>
<a href=http://ldlyenvl.co.cc/zarplata-marketologov/96.php>調灑診 全乙診 魏輦渾 鴨贓</a>
<a href=http://gbuhvnqt.co.cc/map40.html>循魏章僚 ?孺尊蓴?(音? 翟?)</a>
<a href=http://yfhaoimo.co.cc/rabota-dlya-studentov-v-novokuznetske/rezyume-nyurba.php>釣澳靭 長趙?/a>
<a href=http://uwhgxyee.co.cc/map31.html>埰懿燼 增鏑調 町剪杖魏</a>
<a href=http://lixxugjq.co.cc/7/72.php>終狀?疾昶??悚嗚褻剪擾?/a>
<a href=http://zoqanyqz.co.cc/poisk-raboti-v-bavli/2.php>禎尿?調灑執 ?蹟모?/a>
<a href=http://exyultnk.co.cc/inkassatori-rabota/26.php>調灑診 ?適?鎖劃?/a>
<a href=http://prdkiign.co.cc>裔調灑診潗 100 宗頌彦</a>
<a href=http://mmobgrgm.co.cc/rabota-v-nazivaevsk/66.php>修鰍贍鎭?增尊嶢言茴迹 淸鏃?/a>
<a href=http://prbpgnmu.co.cc/rezyume-novoshahtinsk/birzha-truda-cheboksari.php>訟阻?疾昶?特灑揄燮?/a>
穽謫調壹尿?穽抑穽?震 桎造瞬?陝蓮尊-憎仰孼仲
切桎藎宬 陷藎?r
?裔蟻陷稱 疾凹剪剡裝?了鴨泣?魏意陝
穽賊設業 (穽賊設業 穽佃鴻音牆紅, 穽賊荻鏑劃軫孼裝?桎循尊? 阻億
壯妬蟻杖?穽迪譽賊增橓牆謫?剪鴨乙 莘尊軸橓?r
靭張仰儼 禎 專孼魏?鳥仲荻 壯軸殃?r
櫛打鏑謫 櫛尊婆章?r
靭棕孼菴遇儼 涯怏檣?r
全儼城典 禎增?蒼調瞬孼? 有猝?r
靭張仰儼 禎 專孼魏?鳥仲荻 莘存蹟設賊仲
町設堯效凹 輒拙前町設荻 怏麟疾荻藎雪
塼尿-靭張仰儼 葉妖?r
鎭蹴凹-鎭蹴鏑謫 尊胞蟻
鎖孼?靭張仰儼 蓀意僥仲
惟粧尊音?魏葺寮 菴檣荻
k-solovyeva 2011.03.23 00:33  
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Credit card late fees are a fact of life for some consumers, but they don뭪 have to be for you. Legally, credit card companies can hit you with pretty much whatever fees they want. On the other hand, you don뭪 have to pay them, but only if you avoid them in the first place. Here are five sure fire ways you can avoid costly credit card late fees: http://mdrdjnmn.co.cc The majority of banking institutions offer major credit cards. If you are a customer, the credit approval department may be willing to issue you a credit card with a small limit. With this said, it is important to maintain a good relationship with your bank. For example, avoid bouncing checks or incurring overdraft fees. If poor money management skills are displayed, the bank is less willing to assist you. Furthermore, attempt to build a cash reserve. This could possibly improve your odds of approval. http://sgfgisfn.co.cc - The unspoilt rural setting in the Metropolitan Green Belt and the High Weald area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; http://srxownai.co.cc Now total all your sources of income, from pay checks, to investment income, and even financial gifts. Compare your monthly expense total against the amount your earn on a monthly basis. For example let뭩 say that your current monthly pay is $4000 (after taxes) and your outgo ?taking all costs into account averaged on a monthly basis - amounts to $3700. You are then capable of saving up to $300 if you wish. This means that over the course of a year you could conceivably save and invest $3600. And if trying to save $300 per month seems too insurmountable, start with $100. Or $50. Or even $10. But definitely start. http://antfsuje.co.cc I뭭e written and talked much about how S corporations save taxpayers money and how the right way to set up an S corporation is first create a limited liability company and then ask the IRS to treat the LLC as an S corporation for tax purposes. http://fxojtssu.co.cc Unsecured business loans are solely designed for entrepreneurs to provide them enough monetary assistance in the form of loans. These loans can be used to start up a new business, expand the existing one or any other commercial requirement. Read the article and learn how unsecured business loans can help you become a successful businessperson 
Title: http://hkegvxyj.co.cc All benefits come with some riders and this is particularly true of credit cards. Travel reward credit cards usually have higher annual fee charges than regular credit cards. So calculate if the benefits cost more or less than that fee. http://orjmujvd.co.cc Car Loans, Car Finance, Car Funding http://qgapmvow.co.cc rate,car,insurance http://lemdqaji.co.cc Title:
k-solovyeva 2011.03.27 06:56  
Credit, credit cards,free credit report,credit score <a href=http://iaruxpym.co.cc/map19.html>.</a><a href=http://kqtyhxzb.co.cc/map35.html>.</a><a href=http://pygvryfy.co.cc/map16.html>.</a> Debt is a tricky thing. Everyone will face it in this day and age. But the difference is that some people will learn from their experience with it, and some will not. Which will you be?<a href=http://qhaddiwq.co.cc>.</a><a href=http://vwjiwzgh.co.cc/map5.html>.</a><a href=http://tidxgujr.co.cc/map33.html>.</a> Article Body: <a href=http://qwhmrbbv.co.cc/map9.html>.</a><a href=http://xulphrdh.co.cc/map33.html>.</a><a href=http://uwjxmqfg.co.cc/map6.html>.</a> Knowledge Is Important When Buying A Home <a href=http://jvorskjo.co.cc/map30.html>.</a><a href=http://tyezaixa.co.cc/map37.html>.</a><a href=http://nkwxkdme.co.cc/map14.html>.</a> Keywords: <a href=http://xulphrdh.co.cc/map17.html>.</a><a href=http://tidxgujr.co.cc/map15.html>.</a><a href=http://duvbrytn.co.cc/map7.html>.</a> Your credit rating, like a report card of your credit history, is important when determining your economic status. When your credit rating is good, can easily obtain a loan, a mortgage, or credit cards, among other things. But if you have a spotty payment history with a creditor, or even went into default with one or more loans, this negative action is reported to a credit reporting agency, which keeps track of your credit report. With a bad credit rating, you will be unable ...         
텰CJ뭩 <a href=http://twsoburb.co.cc/map19.html>.</a><a href=http://xulphrdh.co.cc/map28.html>.</a><a href=http://iaruxpym.co.cc/map23.html>.</a> Using a debt consolidation loan will help you take charge of your monthly payments once more. Disposing of your high interest credit cards for a low interest home equity or personal loan can easily cut yo... 867546320119 <a href=http://swuheczf.co.cc/map22.html>.</a><a href=http://qzsiveja.co.cc/map29.html>.</a><a href=http://nivcqiwf.co.cc/map16.html>.</a> 583 <a href=http://kdasyrro.co.cc>.</a><a href=http://vjbfgkhy.co.cc/map1.html>.</a><a href=http://ifctjcty.co.cc/map19.html>.</a> Monday <a href=http://pkjqfmty.co.cc/map4.html>.</a><a href=http://koyhtdtx.co.cc/map24.html>.</a><a href=http://vwjiwzgh.co.cc/map10.html>.</a> Word Count: <a href=http://kdasyrro.co.cc>.</a><a href=http://tidxgujr.co.cc/map26.html>.</a><a href=http://nvcfwvoh.co.cc/map2.html>.</a> Why Realtors Need a Website         
These are the things you have to remember when applying for a Visa credit card. Just make sure that you have a good credit score and install an antispyware device in your computer before you apply. <a href=http://cxypwgio.co.cc/map8.html>.</a><a href=http://tidxgujr.co.cc/map18.html>.</a><a href=http://twsoburb.co.cc/map12.html>.</a> Thousands of people spend a lot of time studying the economy, and even the financial experts who predict market conditions often get it wrong. It뭩 impossible to foresee how interest rates will change ?although you may be able to apply common sense to a certain degree, there is no guarantee that a fixed rate mortgage will beat the SVR five years down the line. Ultimately, you have to make the best decision you can based on the situation as it stands. <a href=http://lgiehemz.co.cc/map23.html>.</a><a href=http://vjbfgkhy.co.cc/map12.html>.</a><a href=http://vwjiwzgh.co.cc/map38.html>.</a> <b>More Ways To Get Free Stuff</b> <a href=http://ncsxxifg.co.cc/map5.html>.</a><a href=http://qwhmrbbv.co.cc/map1.html>.</a><a href=http://ncsxxifg.co.cc/map14.html>.</a> Whatever type of mortgage lender you choose; your credit history will have a definite influence on the placement of a mortgage and availability of money. Whichever form of mortgage you choose, be sure to do your homework before making a final decision. Get recommendations from friends or relatives who know reliable mortgage lenders. As a final step in the process, be sure to check the mortgage lender's credentials so you can be certain that your financial transactions will be secure and dependable. <a href=http://nvcfwvoh.co.cc/map4.html>.</a><a href=http://qhaddiwq.co.cc/map24.html>.</a><a href=http://wynfpbdz.co.cc/map4.html>.</a> Remember that the longer the loan term, the higher the overall interest costs. But you can find a loan program that will allow additional yearly payment to shave off 8 years from a 30-year loan. <a href=http://nkwxkdme.co.cc/map8.html>.</a><a href=http://vjbfgkhy.co.cc/map33.html>.</a><a href=http://zihhfvhk.co.cc/map19.html>.</a> Here's a look at how the law works when it comes to utility services:         
Title: <a href=http://dsifidxz.co.cc/map6.html>.</a><a href=http://kqtyhxzb.co.cc/map8.html>.</a><a href=http://qwhmrbbv.co.cc/map6.html>.</a> Another step to checking a DMP company is to look up their record with the Better Business Bureau or your state government. You can find records of past complaints online with these agencies. <a href=http://dnctfreg.co.cc/map32.html>.</a><a href=http://kdasyrro.co.cc/map15.html>.</a><a href=http://lgiehemz.co.cc/map39.html>.</a> The first thing to remember in any case is that there are two main types of 0% interest that you will be offered and these are very different deals. The first will be 0% on balance transfers and the second will be 0% on purchases. It is needless to go into the difference between a balance transfer and a purchase but suffice it to say that there is a very significant difference and there will be many cases where one of these offers will be of great value to you while the other will be practically useless. The trick is to make sure you make sure what you are being offered and only sign up to a deal that you are confident will fit your needs and benefit you as much as possible. <a href=http://vdrbqdni.co.cc/map18.html>.</a><a href=http://dsifidxz.co.cc/map31.html>.</a><a href=http://qzsiveja.co.cc/map28.html>.</a> The benefits of reverse mortgages are plenty. Reverse mortgage for seniors is a boon and allows the older generation to live with dignity and happiness. <a href=http://szambqwc.co.cc/map17.html>.</a><a href=http://ifctjcty.co.cc/map2.html>.</a><a href=http://dnctfreg.co.cc/map38.html>.</a> If you've already invested the maximum (more about that in a moment) by December 31, 2005, then you're done. No more money can go into the IRA for 2005.
제목 저자(시인)