Winter-Blooming Flower(겨울 꽃)

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Winter-Blooming Flower(겨울 꽃)

저자 : 박정순     시집명 : 그리움으로 피었다 지는 꽃
출판(발표)연도 : 2000     출판사 : 도서출판 만파
Winter-Blooming Flower(겨울 꽃)

Beauty can be seen only by the flower
Blooming in winter.
No life goes without stopping,
Without being lost.

Warmth can only be  felt by the flower
Blooming in winter.
No road goes by without
Being touched by wind,
Without being washed by rain.

The flower blooming in winter stands alone,
Slapped by cold waves from the river,
Silver rays knocking against its heart
And a wind that kisses it.
Where would they go?

Longing can be known only by the flower
Blooming in winter.
No autumn can flourish without
spring or summer.
No one goest without
Passing through hills or along wandering roads.


겨울 꽃


겨울 꽃으로만 피어나야
아름다운 것을 볼 수 있다
머무르지 않고
취하지 않고
걸어가는 생이 어디 있으랴

겨울에 피는 꽃이어야만
따스함을 알 수 있다
바람불지 않고
비 내리지 않는
길이 어디 있으랴

거센 물결 이는 강가에 외로이 서 있는
겨울 꽃나무
바람에 흔들리는 나뭇가지 사이
은빛 보석의 햇빛가루가
내맘속에 들어오면
어디쯤에 자리를 내어주랴?

그리움을 안다
봄날이 없이
여름날도 없이
결실 맺는 가을이 어디 있으랴
언덕 길 없이
굽어진 길없이
걸어가는 생이 어디 있으랴
UndemideCekit 2010.05.13 07:51  
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UndemideCekit 2010.05.25 19:05  
I need improve in finding the justly one. I haven't met any attendant maiden in spite of but I visited some escort sites some time ago and became interested in entire piece -
Maybe someone knows anything on every side her? I am asking this because this is prevailing to be my start with meeting and I am not secure if it's the finest choise fitted the senior time. I craving to take a holiday some info almost this girl.
제목 저자(시인)