상곡 이기운

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<#영역시><#예전엔 미쳐 몰랐어요.김소월>상곡 이기운

<In The Past Days I Did not Know The Reason Still>

It rises nightly regardless of seasons, is the moon,
In the past days I did not know the reason still.

I’m missing you until it pierces my heart.
In the past days I did not know the reason still.

I don’t know to look up even so bright moon.
In the past days I did not know the reason still.

Now the moon that is so sorrow to my heart.
In the past days I did not know the reason still.
(Translated by Kinsley Lee)

<예전엔 미쳐 몰랐어요>

봄, 가을 없이 밤마다 돋는 달도
예전엔 미처 몰랐어요
이렇게 사무치게 그리울 줄도
예전엔 미처 몰랐어요
달이 암만 밝아도 쳐다볼 줄은
예전엔 미처 몰랐어요
이제금 저 달이 설움인 줄은
예전엔 미처 몰랐어요