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<#영역시><#On the peak of the Mount Paek-Du we plant our colors,…

<On the peak of the Mount Paek-Du we plant our colors>

Chong-Suh, Kim

On the peak of the Mount Paek-Du we plant our colors,
In the Tomoon-River we wash our mares.
Here! Thou rotten and pedantic scholars.
Are we not truthful men of sturdy patriots?
Whose portraits will be hung later,
On the wall of the Hall-of-Famer.

<장백산에 기를 꽂고>


장백산에 기를 꽂고 두만강에 말 씻기니
썩은 저 선비야 우리 아니 사나이냐
어떻다 능연각 위에 뉘 얼굴을 그릴꼬?
